Thursday, June 7, 2012

First Ballet Recital and Last Day of School

Abbey's first recital and last day of school were on the same day this year.  I was so proud of her! She danced and sang so well in each of the dance numbers, and is clearly a performer!  I took video of all the dance, so go to my youtube page!

We had Hallie, our sitter, come over and watch Lilly so we could really watch the recital and take Abbey out for dinner afterwards.  While we ate dinner, there was a huge storm, and it stopped right before we left and we were greeted in the parking lot by a rainbow- another first for Abbey that day!

Abbey and Lilly both enjoying ice cream sundaes at Abbey's last day of school party:

Abbey with her teacher, Miss Michelle:

Abbey with her buddy Ava:

Abbey, waiting to go onstage, and another one of her teachers, Miss Stephanie, who came to watch the girls:

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