Sunday, March 18, 2012

GG and Great Grandma Elsa

 We had another great springtime visit with GG and Great Grandma Elsa!  We had sunny weather, a thunder storm (with a tornado 10 minutes south!), and rain- the whole weather gamut while they visited!  Even with the storm and rain, it was still probably nicer than Spokane in early March :)

Great Grandma snuggles:

Lilly having fun dressing up with four purses:

Lilly and Abbey solo:

More Great Grandma snuggles:

 We had an adventure to the Kids Museum in Atlanta.  Long story short, I don't think we'll take the MARTA until the kids are older and not napping :)
Abbey at the paint station:

Lilly at the modeling clay station, with Abbey in the background:

 Abbey at the grocery delivery station:

Naked playdoh with GG (GG was dressed, though):

We had an awesome visit! Love you both very much!

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