Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunny Weekend

This past weekend was sunny and 70 degrees...not bad for early March! We took full advantage of it and spent most of our afternoons outside.

On Friday afternoon we went to an Ice Cream parlor with our friends Aidreen and her two kids Ava and Nick. Abbey loved having a special cool treat in the middle of the day, and chose "PINK" for her ice cream. I did tell her that pink was strawberry, and she ate most of her ice cream out of the cone!
Pointing to the fairy tattoo she wanted...

Lilly and her buddy Nick, who will be one year old on April 30th:

On Saturday Abbey and I went to her buddy Daniel's 3rd birthday party that was at Fowler park. She had a great time eating pizza (two slices!) and the frosting off of her cupcake.

Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday was spent out on our deck with the girls enjoying themselves in the infant pool, and playing in the sandbox. It was nice to feel the sunshine again!

Abbey also started potty training this past Wednesday, and has been doing very well. She spends most of her time at the house naked so she can get the hang of it, and here are a couple of pictures of her eating her mac n cheese with her tush hanging out the back of the chair!

Enjoy the new videos on the youtube site too!

1 comment:

Robin Haynes said...

Love the tutu dress & boots combo.
