Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day one...July 31st, 2008...and the first week!

Abbey was born at 1:03 pm, July 31st, by c-section at 36 weeks. Although early, I was ready to meet our little girl after spending close to 3 weeks in the hospital after finding out I had marginal placenta previa, and was ordered to strict bed rest with only bathroom privelages (thank God, since as the females who have been pregnant before read this, know that bathroom breaks come frequently and the nurses would've hated me!). She weighed 7 lbs, 4 oz and was 19 1/4 inches long.

Since she was early, she had a short stay in the NICU, where Peter was the first to feed her. Five hours later, I finally got to hold her in my arms too.

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