Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Photogenic Princess!

These photos are a peek into the pictures taken by my friend, Emily French, who took Abbey's photos when she was at about 2 weeks old. Thank God she took them early...Abbey is already cracking the scale at 9 lbs, 8 oz, which is probably 2 lbs larger than she was when these were taken!

G'ma Glynis Visit!

Abbey was able to meet her G'ma Glynis this past week. It was love at first sight for both, and I was soon battling for some of my own time holding the little one. Thank God I am breastfeeding, or I would not have got her in my arms for days!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Gay Visit!!

We were very happy to have our first family visitors, Abbey's Gma and Gpa Gay, share Abbey's second week of life in Tulsa. Our days were filled with watching Abbey, taking walks in the cool Tulsa weather (only was 70's which is 20-30 degrees cooler than average!) and the Olympics; Phelps set new world records daily and woman's beach volleyball ruled the sand. Little did we know, however, that our own Abbey was setting what I would like to think is a record of her own: she gained about 2 oz. daily, which we didn't realize until Gma and Gpa left when we went to her 2 week appointment. She weighed a whopping 8 lbs 7 oz, up from 6 lbs, 12 oz in just 11 days!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day one...July 31st, 2008...and the first week!

Abbey was born at 1:03 pm, July 31st, by c-section at 36 weeks. Although early, I was ready to meet our little girl after spending close to 3 weeks in the hospital after finding out I had marginal placenta previa, and was ordered to strict bed rest with only bathroom privelages (thank God, since as the females who have been pregnant before read this, know that bathroom breaks come frequently and the nurses would've hated me!). She weighed 7 lbs, 4 oz and was 19 1/4 inches long.

Since she was early, she had a short stay in the NICU, where Peter was the first to feed her. Five hours later, I finally got to hold her in my arms too.

Everything Abbey Elisabeth

Hello friends and family!

Although it has taken over one week since her joyous arrival, I am finally sitting down to create my first "blog" about our little girl Abbey. Since the majority of our family does not reside in Tulsa, OK, Peter and I want to post pictures and such to keep our family and friends in the Pacific Northwest updated on how gorgeous she becomes with each passing day (moms are never biased!).

So, enjoy some of the pictures we have taken since her arrival, there will be more to come saince our first wave of grandparents, Jim and Teresa Gay, arrive tonight to hold the wiggle worm for the first time.

Miss everyone and can't wait for each of you to meet her in person,
