Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I was shocked when the girls ran to the chair immediately after I asked them if they'd mind if mommy took a couple of pictures of them together for Valentines Day.  Imagine my further surprise when I asked them to kiss for the camera and they complied!

Too bad this picture is a little fuzzy:

Peter made me a delicious dinner of lamb tenderloin, mozzarela and tomato salad, and sea bass (not pictured).

The girls enjoyed their gifts from Pa Pa and GG!

This is Peter and my first year receiving a Valentine from Abbey.  She made it at school and was excited for us to open it up.  Needless to say, we loved it, and it is going straight into the "keeper" bin that is outrageously full for her first year of school.

The chef:

We hope our family and friends had a great day too!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Spokane in January

I wish we had been in town under better circumstances, but we are so glad we took the trip out to Spokane for Grandma Jackie's service.  The girls were really great for the majority of the time, but still managed to wake up at 4:30-5:00 every morning.

Here are some pictures from our first full day in town.  We went up to Grandpa George's house to see Peter's family for dinner.  The cousins had a great time reuniting, and ended up running, screaming, and playing games like "Simon Says" and "Duck Duck Goose" with Grandma Teresa.

 Look at those tired eyes!

 Playing "Simon Says":

We played out in the snow when we stayed at Pa Pa's.  I bundled Lilly up real well!

 Lilly wearing my gloves:

 I didn't take too many pictures after the memorial, but here is a cute one of Lilly and Nora:

Lilly posing in the window at Great Grandma Elsa's:

This is a picture that Abbey drew at GG Elsa's.  Beau and Peter couldn't help but admire her work, and apparently there is another artist in the family:

Lilly loved playing with honorary Uncle Beau:

Abbey was so happy to give GG Elsa her snuggles:

Abbey was also more than happy to give Gangy her snuggles too:
