Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miscellaneous Shots of the Girls

Lilly at the soft play area at the mall after dropping Abbey off at school!
Pete and his two sweeties.
Lilly's "Sass Face"
Just like her big sister once did, Lilly enjoys putting mom's clean underwear on over her head. In this photo she had 16 pair!
Lilly's first pigtails!
Abbey's first French braid! I was pretty proud since it was also MY first French braid.
The kiddos after a Wednesday night dinner get together.
Abbey is sometimes a little camera shy.
Caught a quick kiss!
I took the girls to Chik-fil-a after they had their hair cut. This was Lilly's first haircut. Notice the hairdresser was able to give them both a braid on the side of their heads :)

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