Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trip to Spokane! Part One: Party

Ugh, I am so behind on the blog! I have vowed to catch up this weekend, but just in case I only get a few moments here and there I am going to try and break up our trip into segments.

It already seems like forever ago, but our trip to Spokane was only one month ago today! We had such a great time seeing everyone! It was still hard with the change in time zones for the first few days, but by the time we were out at the lake it seemed like we were pretty much back on schedule, which was good since it was time to throw the girls their birthday party! A big thank you to my Uncle Rick for taking lots of photos, it was really hard to pick out ones for the blog (I wish they would upload faster, or I would put more up, but it just takes FOREVER and I have to go back and mess with the spacing since Blogspot seems to be having trouble keeping the pictures spaced properly. Oh well!)

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