Sunday, March 27, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

We had our friends over for corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's, and the weather could not have been better. The temperature was about 70, so we ate out on the deck and stayed there until the girl's needed to go to bed. Slainte!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Such Bright, Beautiful Girls!

I took a lot of pictures of the girls the other day. The lighting was perfect in the sunroom for Abbey's photos, and in hindsight, I should have moved Lilly in there since her photos did not turn out as well. As you can see, Peter and I have two absolute stunners on our hands. I think Abbey enjoyed her photo shoot in the sunroom, she gave me some of her classic looks!

I took pictures of Lilly in the living room, but they turned out grainy and dark. The pictures I took of her in her highchair after lunch turned out much better, and you can see how light her blonde hair is and her two top teeth that have peeked through!

Look at Lilly's TOP TEETH!

Just one more of our princess:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunny Weekend

This past weekend was sunny and 70 degrees...not bad for early March! We took full advantage of it and spent most of our afternoons outside.

On Friday afternoon we went to an Ice Cream parlor with our friends Aidreen and her two kids Ava and Nick. Abbey loved having a special cool treat in the middle of the day, and chose "PINK" for her ice cream. I did tell her that pink was strawberry, and she ate most of her ice cream out of the cone!
Pointing to the fairy tattoo she wanted...

Lilly and her buddy Nick, who will be one year old on April 30th:

On Saturday Abbey and I went to her buddy Daniel's 3rd birthday party that was at Fowler park. She had a great time eating pizza (two slices!) and the frosting off of her cupcake.

Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday was spent out on our deck with the girls enjoying themselves in the infant pool, and playing in the sandbox. It was nice to feel the sunshine again!

Abbey also started potty training this past Wednesday, and has been doing very well. She spends most of her time at the house naked so she can get the hang of it, and here are a couple of pictures of her eating her mac n cheese with her tush hanging out the back of the chair!

Enjoy the new videos on the youtube site too!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Uncle JJ Visits!

Uncle JJ came to visit this last weekend, and we all had a great time. We tried to go the The World of Coke, but it was closed due to a water main break, so we ended up spending an hour in Centennial Park and then the Georgia Aquarium.
Thanks for visiting but next time he has been instructed to bring the rest of the family too! ;)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Catch Up Time!

Well, my excuse for not updating in awhile is that I have switched our internet companies, and we were without internet for a little while. I also have just been busy trying to get both of the girls happy in the computer room long enough for me to get anything done. We'll see how much I get done...

Pretty Lilly is getting bigger by the day, and sweeter, too. Her hair is coming in nicely, but it's super-blonde, so it's hard to see in the pictures. No crawling yet, but she is sitting and babbling all day.

Princess Abbey is talking more and more, surprising me with her vocabulary and how funny she can be. I can't imagine having a "girlier" girl than Abbey; everything is Princess, pink, dresses, flowers, even painting her toenails to match mommy's...but I am truly surprised at how much I love it! I find myself wearing pink often just to hear Abbey exclaim,"Mommy Princess!".

After a long day...

Playing in the sandbox:

Having fun in Lilly's duck during bathtime:

Abbey has been very interested in playing with Lilly, too, which makes it much harder for me since I have to sit and watch them "play" to make sure Abbey doesn't beat up her sister. The good news is I think they will really be having a lot of fun together once Lilly can participate in the play a little bit more!

The weather has been awesome, and this is just a picture of the lamb dinner we had out on the deck a few weeks back.
