Thursday, December 22, 2011

Playing at the Mall

 Abbey having a little meltdown...

A Trip to the Firehouse!

We took a trip to the Fire Station with our play group yesterday.  The kids had a great time learning about the firetruck and checking out all of the gadgets.  Of course, it was all about the accessories for my girls as their favorite part was the hat they received from the firemen!

 Can you see poor Lilly's fat lip?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Here Comes Santa Claus

This Saturday we had a very special guest at our house: Santa! He came over to read a couple books, sing, and talk to the kids.  Everyone had a wonderful time, it was a great start to the Christmas season!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thank You Grandma Elsa!

Our beautiful Thanksgiving centerpiece given to us by Grandma Elsa, and the tablecloth underneath was one of hers too that was handed down to me.  It looked great!

We love our GG!

We had a great visit with GG.  The weather was perfect except for one day she was here, so we went to the zoo and all of our favorite parks.  Sadly, I did not have any battery left when I took the camera out at the zoo, but the last picture of the girls and GG makes up for it! Love you GG!

O' Christmas Tree!

Peter took Abbey to pick out a tree the day after Thanksgiving since I had a decorating bug.  Abbey picked out what might have been the biggest tree on the lot! It's huge! I think it might be our prettiest tree to date, and it looks great in the sunroom.  Now I am just hoping it doesn't die before Christmas!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Music Midtown

Although this was over a month ago, it really was such a great date out with the Bukers. The weather had finally cooled down, I think the high was 77 that day, and we enjoyed eating a nice dinner before heading to Piedmont Park to see three bands; Cage the Elephant, The Black Keys and Coldplay.

Miscellaneous Shots of the Girls

Lilly at the soft play area at the mall after dropping Abbey off at school!
Pete and his two sweeties.
Lilly's "Sass Face"
Just like her big sister once did, Lilly enjoys putting mom's clean underwear on over her head. In this photo she had 16 pair!
Lilly's first pigtails!
Abbey's first French braid! I was pretty proud since it was also MY first French braid.
The kiddos after a Wednesday night dinner get together.
Abbey is sometimes a little camera shy.
Caught a quick kiss!
I took the girls to Chik-fil-a after they had their hair cut. This was Lilly's first haircut. Notice the hairdresser was able to give them both a braid on the side of their heads :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Disney On Ice

Pete spoiled two of his girls with front row tickets to see Disney on Ice. Despite the traffic delay, we were still able to enjoy some of the first half and the entire second half. Abbey was entranced! I was also quite entertained, so we are excited to take the whole family next time!
