Wednesday, December 15, 2010

iPhone Downloads

It's been awhile since I synced my phone to the computer, and so I was finally able to download some pictures I've taken over the past month. Here is the mish-mash of moments I have captured!

Nap Skipping Abbey, sound asleep on the couch while watching Beauty and the Beast at 4pm:

A picture of the girls side-by-side. I think you get a better feel for how big (and beautiful!) Lilly is at almost 4.5 months, when this photo was taken.

Just a picture of Lilly eyeing her toys on the playmat:

I took these photos on a nice Sunday afternoon out with my girls. I took them to the playground at our subdivision, and after about 30 minutes of playing, took Abbey across the street to pick out an ice cream. She picked out a push pop, and a new love was born:

I thought I only had Lilly in the frame which is why I'm not smiling :)

Abbey loves to play in my closet. She was particularly proud of this top and heels combo she picked out, immediately declaring "Abbey Princess":

Peter and I recently enjoyed a date night out to see the Indigo Girls in Atlanta. I couldn't resist taking one picture to remember the occasion, hopefully next time I will actually get a picture of us together :)

Finally, I braved "Sweet & Sassy" again to get Abbey's hair cut. Last time we barely got her to sit for a bang trim. This time, she skipped her nap but it seemed to work to our advantage: she barely moved the entire time, and rested her head on the chair. She even let the stylist give her a mini blow-out and spray glitter in her hair. She loved it, and I hope our trips to the salon continue to be so event-free.

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