Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Just some photos from yesterday and today. The girls got dressed up to see Santa and ended up not seeing him, and then we decorated cookies today. New videos on youtube too!

We miss and love all of our friends and family this Christmas- thinking of you all!

Decorating with GG:

Our Christmas Room:

The girls, looking adorable after a trip to the mall:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

iPhone Downloads

It's been awhile since I synced my phone to the computer, and so I was finally able to download some pictures I've taken over the past month. Here is the mish-mash of moments I have captured!

Nap Skipping Abbey, sound asleep on the couch while watching Beauty and the Beast at 4pm:

A picture of the girls side-by-side. I think you get a better feel for how big (and beautiful!) Lilly is at almost 4.5 months, when this photo was taken.

Just a picture of Lilly eyeing her toys on the playmat:

I took these photos on a nice Sunday afternoon out with my girls. I took them to the playground at our subdivision, and after about 30 minutes of playing, took Abbey across the street to pick out an ice cream. She picked out a push pop, and a new love was born:

I thought I only had Lilly in the frame which is why I'm not smiling :)

Abbey loves to play in my closet. She was particularly proud of this top and heels combo she picked out, immediately declaring "Abbey Princess":

Peter and I recently enjoyed a date night out to see the Indigo Girls in Atlanta. I couldn't resist taking one picture to remember the occasion, hopefully next time I will actually get a picture of us together :)

Finally, I braved "Sweet & Sassy" again to get Abbey's hair cut. Last time we barely got her to sit for a bang trim. This time, she skipped her nap but it seemed to work to our advantage: she barely moved the entire time, and rested her head on the chair. She even let the stylist give her a mini blow-out and spray glitter in her hair. She loved it, and I hope our trips to the salon continue to be so event-free.
