Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lilly, Eight Weeks and Zonked

After Abbey's nap, we sometimes hang out in the guestroom where she can lie in the bed and watch "toons" (although she has started to like iCarly quite a bit, which is on in this photo) and I can sit next to her and nurse Lilly. Lilly is 8 weeks in these pictures, and I think she is approaching 13lbs...I'll have to report back next week after her official 2 month weigh in.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet and Sassy, Part 2

I took Abbey out for a "Mommy-Daughter Date" this last Saturday to buy her shoes (she's in a size 8!) and to get her hair and bangs trimmed. She has started skipping her nap lately, so I was a little worried about the 4pm haircut since she had skipped it that day. I took these pictures before she decided she was done with her haircut- some are "before" shots to show how long her bangs were, and then a couple "during" shots. It was shortly after the during shots that she decided only a bang trim will do today!
Waiting for her appointment and having some juice (look at her huge feet!!!!):

They were able to get the cape on her this time, but I quickly realized that the "stylist" should just not mess with her length and just give her a bang trim- that's all we had time for before Abbey decided she was DONE!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Best Friends

As their mother, I am convinced they will be best friends before long. Here is Abbey holding Lilly before bedtime the other night.

Lilly Sleeping

So, instead of three seperate posts I tried to think of the common link in these five shots...and Lilly is zonked in all of them. Enjoy!

Above is some naked sprinkler time in the driveway...don't worry, you can't see this area from the road since our cars are parked in the driveway, and we are around the corner a bit.

Lilly zonked...

And Lilly zonked with Tracy.

More Tutu
