Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some Water Fun

The weather has been above normal this week (pushing 90 degrees) and what better way to beat the heat than by getting into the water! I took Abbey to Lake Lanier on Monday. She was a little timid of the water at first, but then got as high as her chest before demanding to be picked up- she kept going deeper to get to the "balls" (bouys) that were in the water. Next time I'll have to make sure I put her (and me- ugh) in a swimsuit!

On Tuesday I bought her more bubbles for the bubble kit that I bought for her Easter basket. Well, she was more interested in putting the toys with the bubbles in her mouth, so instead I put the bubble solution into our fire pit, sprayed it with the hose, and let Abbey play in her outdoor bubble bath. She was intrigued for an hour! And all pregnant momma had to do was watch from the deck in the shade :)


Robin Haynes said...

She is sure going to love the bubble photos when she's a teenager. ;-)

Jen Gay said...

So cute! Props to you for finding something to entertain her and you for an hour!
