Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Just a hippie and her black panther...I mean, Black Kitty.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Play Time!

Just some photos of Abbey at various play dates these past two weeks. The first four were taken on a chilly morning at Central Park, a playground about 10 minutes away with a lot of "big toys" (not sure if they are called that anymore...).

This was a "Dog Cleaning Station" at a place called Imaginations at Play. Abbey ended up getting her Halloween top soaked!

The last photos were taken at "Catch Air", a very large children's play area filled with large blow up castles, balls, and pretty much anything a kids would want to play with. She had a great time!

Bed Head


Abbey woke up from her nap in a very good mood. Check out her you tube channel for some various videos before and after she woke up, titled "Waking Up Slowly" and "Caged Frankie".

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Prettiest Pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch this morning, and as far as we could tell Abbey really enjoyed herself. It definitely felt like fall; it was in the 50's and windy, which is actually January weather for Georgia. She is really into just running around wide open spaces, so when it was time to get her on the hayride or keep her out of the way of other people, she would fuss until we put her down again. I don't think she cared too much about the pumpkins, but Peter and I both picked out one to carve later tonight.

Orange Cheese Face

After one spoonful that didn't hit her mouth, Abbey had mac and cheese all over her face.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Playing with her Rocker

Abbey has recently figured out how to maneuver into her rocking chair. It is still a bit too tall for her to just plop into, so she has to carefully climb into it facing the rear before turing herself around to face the front. I especially liked the sass she gave the camera on this last shot!

See her maneuver into the chair at the youtube site!

Dolly Pile

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Static Alert!

Abbey really enjoyed playing in the plastic car, and the light hit her just right to show off her static attack.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some Extra Photos...

After I'm on the phone Abbey usually begs to carry it around the house, as you can see above, and still loves to charge me when I am in reach with the camera!

These two photos below were taken when I hosted a play date at our house this past Monday. Abbey had such a good time since she hadn't been to a play date since before I got shingles.

These next three photos were taken at the park play date from Thursday. Abbey is definitely trying to climb anything she can, and the first photo is of her trying to get up onto the small blue bench, and the next is a quick shot I took before helping her down! She was able to climb all over the play equipment, and she even went down the slide all by herself, but belly down and feet first like we have been teaching her to get down off the couch.

Trying to climb into her grocery cart.
With her new horse.

There are also three new videos posted on the youtube site, Dancing to Ellen, Dancing with Fruit Strip, and Playing in the Sunroom. Enjoy!
