Saturday, August 8, 2009

Abbey's First (non-cousin) Play Date!

When I returned to Atlanta from Spokane this July, I realized it was time to join a local playgroup so Abbey could play with other little kids more often. So, I joined a Mommy and Me group, which meets pretty regularly (2x/week) and also has "Mom's Night Out" about 1-2x/month. All the moms are right here in Cumming, GA, so I won't have to travel far to get to the outings. So far I have been to one Mom's Night Out and one play date. It was nice getting out of the house and talking to adults during the day, and Abbey loves to play with the other kids. It's so cute! I can't wait til the next one, which is this upcoming week.

1 comment:

Liz & JJ said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad you guys are meeting some new dates are kinda crazy though aren't they...not much playing for the adults! :)
