Friday, August 28, 2009

My Shadow

Amazing what a difference only a couple of days (or, really, since the 16th of August) can make. Abbey has decided to finally walk everywhere the last couple of days, and isn't far behind me wherever I go in the house.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Future rapper? Or just a young fashionista following a questionable trend? You decide!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun with the Alphabet Train

Abbey and her play dates LOVE the Alphabet Train that Grandpa John bought for her birthday. Abbey is strong enough to lift the caboose, but she mostly enjoys using it "normally" by sitting on it.
Abbey is SO strong!
Is it bad that she likes to hang out with older men in her underwear? :)

I LOVE the Kitchen

Abbey loves the kitchen. She "runs" over anytime the refrigerator or the dishwasher is open. She especially likes to use the fridge as a chair, like she is doing above. Frankie was keeping a close eye on her from the safety of the island.

The camera is not fast enough to catch her "happy hands"!

I also wash her hands at the sink after her meals since her hands and face need a good cleaning. One night I realized I might as well let her play in the sink since I had just cleaned it and she's always so curious about that area. She can turn the bathtub faucet on and off, but thankfully since she was fully clothed, did not go for the sink's lever.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Abbey's First (non-cousin) Play Date!

When I returned to Atlanta from Spokane this July, I realized it was time to join a local playgroup so Abbey could play with other little kids more often. So, I joined a Mommy and Me group, which meets pretty regularly (2x/week) and also has "Mom's Night Out" about 1-2x/month. All the moms are right here in Cumming, GA, so I won't have to travel far to get to the outings. So far I have been to one Mom's Night Out and one play date. It was nice getting out of the house and talking to adults during the day, and Abbey loves to play with the other kids. It's so cute! I can't wait til the next one, which is this upcoming week.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Abbey!

Abbey had a great first birthday! I made her a white vanilla cake with orange cream cheese frosting that was delicious...not that she'd know about it! Although she enjoyed the frosting after I made it earlier in the day (see video!!!) she didn't really care that it was now on top of something and placed very easily in front of her. As you can see below, Peter tried to even feed her the cake, but she wanted to be as far away from it as possible!

The picture below is her final fuss before we gave up and gave her cheetos instead!
Abbey's big thing is pointing now, so here are a couple of pictures of her pointing, clearly distracted by the gifts on the dining room table.

Finally, after enjoying a dinner of mac and cheese, mandarin oranges, and cheetos for dessert, it was time to open gifts. One of her favorites was the Dutch Bunny puppet (that we clearly named "Dutch") that she got from Aunt Margaret and Uncle Luke...she wouldn't stop hugging and kissing it!
All in all, a great first birthday. Make sure you go to our youtube channel and see new videos of her dancing, opening gifts, and eating her cheetos! :) One last shot of our big one year old, posing for the camera in our sunroom:
