Monday, April 20, 2009

The Clans Unite!

The Gay Clan was able to visit the "Eilmi" (plural for Eilmes) and meet their adorable new addition, Amelia. It was a very relaxing time, filled with games, good food, and holding babies. Next time we get to see them is in July, and the girls will seem "all grown up" compared to this time, I'm sure! One thing is for sure, Amelia will be keeping her parents on her toes a little bit more, since as you can see for her it was a sleep-filled weekend, as she is dead to the world in three out of three photos!

For those of you about to call child protective services, I swear Peter was just out of the frame for Abbey's first "Supermodel Car Shots" (although I will admit I was a little suprised when I walked outside and saw Abbey tummy-down on the Cutlass)!

Modeling Mom's Shades

Abbey modeling my new sunglasses. What a diva!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We wish we were with everyone that we love, but our Georgia family had to do for our Easter celebration 2009. We shared good times with the Bukers and the Brewsters. Abbey had fun playing with her eggs I got her, but did not enjoy the Peep that I let her try. Two tastes and big squishy face means...NO!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Silly Smush Face Teether!

Abbey has gotten her two top teeth the past couple of nights. I wondered what was up when she slept through for weeks and then woke up once the past three out of four nights. This morning her top left front tooth was all the way through, and it looks like the right front tooth will be in tonight. Last night, Abbey had us laughing with her silly smush face she kept making for about 5 minutes on the Pack N Play. Please make sure to check out the video...couldn't post it here because it's just over a minute and a half. Enjoy!

Warm Night on the Porch

The three of us shared a very warm night on the porch this last Saturday night. We pulled out the Pack N Play and enjoyed the evening with a little chatter and snuggles.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sippy Success! And other feats...

Abbey has now mastered the sippy cup! I tried to take a picture of her holding it and drinking, but of course when the camera came out she decided she should pay more attention to it. Will I ever get a candid shot from her?

Other milestones she has hit lately include pulling herself up in her pack n play (so now her crib and pack n play have been lowered so I can leave the room without panicking), and also holding her bottle without handles. Crawling is still a little way off...she has been playing more on her tummy, finally, but does not seem to understand how to get her legs and arms coordinated to move across the floor. This is okay, since I have been putting off most of the baby-proofing anyways :)
