Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

On Christmas Eve, Peter was in the kitchen the whole day, making our bouillabaisse, rouille, and fresh bread for supper. Dinner was excellent, and it was also the last time I think we'll put Abbey in her seat. She was so much better behaved once we let her sit in the chair up at the table.

Last shot of Abbey in her high chair.

Such a BIG GIRL!

Watching Seasame Street.

The tree before Santa came...

and the tree after Santa visited!

The Cozy Coupe was a big hit, but she is now napping in bed, and I am going to join her- I'm tired! There are two new videos on the youtube site! Enjoy!!! Love you all!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'll take better pictures soon!!!

So, I have some new pictures, but some didn't turn out like I thought they would. Most of them I ended up erasing because Abbey is moving too quickly to get a good shot! She is all over the place!

I took a bunch of pictures of her playing with her Raggedy Andy (which was Peter's doll when he was a kid). This was the only one that turned out, since she likes to carry him around and dance with him. Lately she has enjoyed taking him over to the big present by the tree and sitting with him when they are done playing.

It has been quite cold on a few occasions, and on this particular day I bundled Abbey up in her new pea coat with about four layers underneath since she refused to wear hat and gloves.

I took a few shots of her yesterday getting into the ball bin that is in the garage. The bin holds my old basketball and two volleyballs, which we ended up playing with in the driveway; this consists of me kicking the ball and Abbey running to retrieve it, not unlike a game of "fetch" since she also runs the ball back to me instead of throwing it half of the time. Again, the shots of us playing in the driveway were blurry, but this dark photo of her holding the basketball in the garage was the only one worth putting up. And, yes, it was 60 degrees out yesterday when this photo was taken...ahhhhhhh!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Week Fun

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but we certainly missed all of our family in Spokane! We hosted a total of 15 people on the big day, and everyone left our home with a full tummy.

What a difference a year makes...

The day after Thanksgiving, we went to the Georgia Aquarium. Abbey had a wonderful time as always!

Finally, at the end of the week Peter and I enjoyed a date night out to see a professional hockey game. We saw our Atlanta Thrashers take on the Philadelphia Flyers, and our team won 1-0. Phillips Arena is a huge venue with lots of eateries and "gadgets", and we enjoyed the electronic Thrasher that would blow fire to rouse the crowd!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not Pleased to See Santa

Abbey was totally fine with Santa when we first walked in, but we had to wait about 5 minutes before the photographer was ready since she was dealing with the customers before us. Long story short, Abbey continued to bury her head in my shoulder deeper and deeper the longer Santa chatted with her. We tried a couple of different poses, but even with Santa completely behind his chair Abbey would not calm down to take a photo. So, she had her photo taken with me next to their pretty Christmas trees, and with Santa far behind us in the background!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Play Date Pictures

Just some pictures from the last play date at our house. This is Abbey with Connor Brewster...can you believe he is only 6 months old? BIG BOY!
This is Abbey and her friend Ava, who is 18 months old. Just chillin' after running around!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


A few more pictures of Abbey and me on Halloween. I posted three since neither of us took a good picture, and in the last one you get a closer look at Peter's pumpkin. My pumpkin was an alien and Peter's was a Devil Kitty (possibly inspired by Frankie?).

Abbey loves to roam around outside, and we have finally been getting "normal" Georgia weather, 60's and low 70's. She especially likes to play Peekaboo around our neighbor's For Sale signs in their yard.

This last picture is a Box Turtle that I saved while outside yesterday. I was with Abbey and kept hearing this scratching sound in one of our hanging empty flower pots. I was expecting something to jump out at me once I lowered it, but low and behold a turtle had fallen in! I am very happy to report that the turtle ran off unharmed into our back bushes.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Just a hippie and her black panther...I mean, Black Kitty.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Play Time!

Just some photos of Abbey at various play dates these past two weeks. The first four were taken on a chilly morning at Central Park, a playground about 10 minutes away with a lot of "big toys" (not sure if they are called that anymore...).

This was a "Dog Cleaning Station" at a place called Imaginations at Play. Abbey ended up getting her Halloween top soaked!

The last photos were taken at "Catch Air", a very large children's play area filled with large blow up castles, balls, and pretty much anything a kids would want to play with. She had a great time!

Bed Head


Abbey woke up from her nap in a very good mood. Check out her you tube channel for some various videos before and after she woke up, titled "Waking Up Slowly" and "Caged Frankie".
