Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gpa John and Uncle Luke Visit!

It was another seasonably cool week in Tulsa for what could be our final guests in Tulsa. Perfect weather for golf, grilling out on the deck, and cooing over a cute little girl! Gpa John enjoyed giving Abbey little back rubs and helping her perfect her pull-ups on his lap (he also consistently stood in her line of view and showed her the perfect form for her future golf swing, hopefully making Peter and I millionaires once she is in the WPGA...). Uncle Luke and Gpa John were timid to hold her at first, with it being a long time since my dad held an infant, and the first time (possibly) that my brother had one in his arms, but they both quickly warmed up to it and Abbey loved every minute!

1 comment:

Robin Haynes said...

Love the pics of John and Abbey. Can't wait to take pics of Auntie Robin & Abbey!
