Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Visit from Tracy!

Tracy (my friend that I met while living in Davenport, IA, who currently lives in Kansas City but will also be moving to Atlanta due to a Lafarge promotion for her husband-whew!) drove down to visit us and meet Abbey for the first time this week. As you can see from the photo, Abbey was comfortable with her right away!

We will be traveling to see Tracy next week, since Peter needs to do work in Kansas City anyways, as a sort-of "trial trip away from home" for our long trip coming up to Spokane. Hopefully it will give us an idea of what we can't live without away from the house!

The Daily Grind

Abbey and I typically start our day with "baby exercises"; she gets to do a little tummy time, and I have also been working with her on grasping objects. Tummy time has been going well- she is able to hold her head 90 degrees for an extended period of time now (although these pictures don't look it...she has progressed a lot in the last few days, and I didn't have the camera on me this morning...for those of you who don't know, she is only expected to have this conquered by the time she is 4 months. Yes, I am bragging!) and she surprises us with a "bullseye" from time to time when she reaches for rattles and rings that I hold out for her. When I feel like I have tired her out enough, we go for our morning walk/jog and she gets to rest up and rejuvenate for the rest of the day.

Also wanted to mention she measures 23 inches long and, on our scale stripped to her diaper, weighs 11.5 pounds! She is already going to surprise all of our visitors, even my dad and brother, when we go home next week to Spokane. She is such a big, gorgeous girl!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Abbey is starting to smile more at us, instead of when she successfully passes gas. Although I have yet to capture her perfect little smile successfully, here are some attempts when she was making a lot of faces at her momma.

Gpa John and Uncle Luke Visit!

It was another seasonably cool week in Tulsa for what could be our final guests in Tulsa. Perfect weather for golf, grilling out on the deck, and cooing over a cute little girl! Gpa John enjoyed giving Abbey little back rubs and helping her perfect her pull-ups on his lap (he also consistently stood in her line of view and showed her the perfect form for her future golf swing, hopefully making Peter and I millionaires once she is in the WPGA...). Uncle Luke and Gpa John were timid to hold her at first, with it being a long time since my dad held an infant, and the first time (possibly) that my brother had one in his arms, but they both quickly warmed up to it and Abbey loved every minute!
