Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Lilly!

We had a great day! We started out by going to our friend Sara's pool. Lilly and Abbey had a great time playing in the water!

After her nap, Lilly and Abbey played until our guests arrived.

Finally, it was time for the cupcakes Abbey and I had made Lilly. She was a little tentative at first, but then she dove right in!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I can't believe I was only able to post once for the month of June! Well, all I can say is that I have never been busier in my life, so much to do and two little girls who need my attention all of the time makes for almost no free time. Trust me, that is not a complaint, because all of the crying and fussiness is quickly forgotten with one "I love you" and snuggle.

With that being said, we almost have a one and three year old on our hands! Lilly has already mastered tantrums at the young age of 11 months (what is she going to be like at two!?!?) along with walking and starting to communicate. Abbey is completely fixated with all things "B": boo-boos, birthdays and ballerinas. She will start preschool in August and I am also going to enroll her in a pre-ballet class.

I took this picture on the wrong setting, but just a preview of Lilly's birthday outfit:
Pete and I met our good friends for dinner on a fun night out a couple of weeks ago:

Here are some pictures that Jill took when we visited the Eilmes' in June:
