Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lilly / Papa?

My Aunt Pam sent me this photo of her and my dad when he was about Lilly's age. Although most people tell me Lilly looks like Peter, I always argue that she has my coloring. Now I can also say she looks a lot like my dad!

Miscellaneous May

May has flown by! It will be remembered as the month that I surprised Peter for his birthday (again!), the month Abbey finished potty training, and the month that Lilly took her first steps. Memorable indeed! The pictures above are of Abbey is her "Nina" outfit (nina = ballerina) for Peter's birthday.

These next photos are of Lilly playing at the park, now that she is not confined to being in the Baby Bjorn anymore! She cruises all over the place, and since she took her first steps yesterday, the next time we are at the park she'll probably be busy trying to keep up with the other kids!

Our beautiful flower, Lilly:

Abbey likes me to make her playdoh jewelry:

Tracy over for dinner a lot this month since Vince has been in Brazil for three weeks. One night I made "The Best Roast Chicken Ever"...Lemon Chicken recipe from Cooks Illustrated. It was quite yummy!

The girls in the tub together. Abbey actually asks for Lilly to come in, "Baby Lilly bath, Mommy?"

Lilly at the end of a morning walk:

Lilly 10 Months!

These pictures were taken at the Brewster's house the day we celebrated their son Connor's second birthday. Lilly loved sitting in his chair and his wagon!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friday the 13th

I had my salon appointment this last Friday, and the girls there always want to see current photos of my beauties. I usually forget, but I remembered to take some photos that morning to show off.

"Smile big Abbey!"
Abbey is saying "Cheese" in this one:

I was playing peekaboo with Lilly in the next two:

Look at how big she is!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


For the second time in our 17 year relationship, I have succeded in throwing Peter a surprise birthday party. He never saw it coming! We celebrated with friends at a local German restaurant, Gasthaus, by eating plenty of German food and drinking German beer. Happy Birthday Peter!


The Gay household had a rough Easter. Both Lilly and Abbey were recovering from getting pink eye, and I was just about to be sick for the next week as well with sinusitis that resulted from getting pink eye. However, we had a great day with the girls, hunting for eggs and baskets, and, of course, cooking a wonderful meal.
