Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Catch-Up

My goodness! How the time has flown this past month. The days seem longer, though, as I have kept Abbey from napping during the day so she'll go to bed at a reasonable time at night. So, Lilly has been pretty consistant with two naps/day, and sleeping from 7pm-5am, and Abbey has been sleeping from 7:30-6:30...with a couple of 5:30 am's thrown in, but oh well I am up with Lilly anyways! Long story short, with Abbey not napping during the day, I have fallen behind on posting pictures. Atleast I have been keeping up with videos!

This group of photos were taken the week of the great snow-in. We had six inches of snow overnight, followed by an inch of freezing rain. Needless to say, we didn't go anywhere for four days (Peter went to the office after two days, but I wasn't about to get stuck with two girls!).

This is what we woke up to:

Abbey had fun staying warm in her Princess Tent and in her makeshift cove behind our couch:

Peter had fun getting an extra couple of days off with his girls:

Abbey has finally taken a liking to peanut butter, although she still only eats it off of a spoon and not on anything:

Lilly has started sitting on her own very well, slthough this picture was taken on the first day she sat without me directly behind her. She can sit very straight now!

This is a picture of us looking at the baby in the mirror- this onsie is already TIGHT on her right now!

Abbey was making Lilly laugh by shaking the pinwheel over her head. I paid 50 cents for that pinwheel for Abbey's first birthday, and I am surprised on the mileage it has gotten:

Also a picture taken at the beginning of the month, Abbey was napping so I let Lilly sleep on my lap. I snuck in the picture, and I love how her head is cocked and her mouth is open:

I hope I get some more up soon! Take care everyone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Maiden Voyage

This week was Lilly's maiden voyage in the Bob stroller facing forward and sitting like a "big girl"!

Christmas through the New Year

Christmas Eve we set up the Princess Castle from Santa so Abbey would see it first thing when she came down in the morning. When she finally noticed it, we were in the Christmas Sun Room for 2.5 hours opening gifts. It was a very realxing morning, watching Abbey get excited about every gift she opened and then watching her play with the gift for a few minutes before we prodded her to open another. It really could have lasted all day if we hadn't pushed her along a little bit: she had A LOT of presents to open!

Abbey after she saw her new Princess Castle:

Let the opening commence! This is her Ariel bathtub doll:

The Aftermath:

We all posed for some photos with the girls:

Both Abbey and Lilly had a cold for the last half of GG's visit. I really like this picture; even though Abbey is super sick, both her and GG are enjoying a push pop :)

We also had my second cousin, Amy Spiegal, over for coffee. She is my Grandma Elsa's niece that lives about 25 minutes away.

Lilly vs. Ball:
