Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pa Pa John's Visit

Playing with Pa Pa's hat:

Dinners on the deck, it was nice for my dad that it wasn't super hot!
Bonding in the swings.

It was great having my dad in town. Abbey and him hit it off right away, and she soon was dragging him outside and having him running with her inside. The days were filled with Abbey playing, Lilly eating, and good food for the adults in the evening thanks to Chef Peter. We are looking forward to our reunion with Pa Pa in just two weeks when we come to Spokane for our visit!

Friday, September 10, 2010

No Naps? A Tooth? My Babies are Growing Up!

Ah, life in the Gay household lately has been fun. Abbey has not been napping regularly for about two weeks, which means she is grouchy by the end of the day and usually falls asleep between 5:30-7:30, and sometimes downstairs in the living room.

Lilly has sprouted a tooth! I don't have a picture yet, but I figured I would post some pictures of her sitting in the leather couch. As you can see, she ended up letting me know what she thought of it.

Finally, here is a picture of Lilly successfully finding her thumb. She has been sucking on her hands for awhile, hungry or not, and a binkie won't stay in unless I hold it in. We'll see if I have thumb sucker #2 on my hands.

Big blue eyes for now!

Ready to go for our walk!
