Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Watching Sesame in the Guest Room

37.5 weeks

Only 2 weeks to go! I bet Lilly is over 8 lbs now!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sweet & Sassy

I took Abbey to "Sweet & Sassy" yesterday, which is a little girls' salon and spa here in Cumming. I can tell you I have never been anywhere that was so pink and full of glittery things! I think my two girls are going to turn me into a girly-girl. Anyways, I took Abbey to get her hair trimmed for our upcoming photo shoot when Lilly arrives. No worries, the stylist took off less than a half inch, and as you can see in the short video her hair really is getting pretty long!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Olympic Pillow Diving

Abbey did this for 20 minutes straight before bedtime last night. We should've counted how many total laps and dives she took.

Waiting at the OBGYN

Friday, June 4, 2010

Suwannee Splash Pad

We went to a splash pad today, and Abbey LOVED it. She didn't stop running or screaming with joy pretty much the entire time we were there. There are also three new videos to enjoy, and I have posted the one of her getting acquainted with the water!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tanglewood Farm

Last week Abbey and I went to Tanglewood Farm, which is home to many miniature farm animals, manx cats and some really BIG dogs. She had a great time, but she really didn't pet many of the animals- she just put out her hand like you do with a new dog and let them sniff her.

Abbey riding the bull at the end. They also offered free pony rides but Abbey wouldn't wear the mandatory helmet. Maybe next time!

There was a mini cow in this pen, but I must've forgotten to take a picture of him. :(

This was about as close as Abbey got to the animals, which was fine by me!

Abbey, her friend Delaney and mom Krista braving the aggressive mini goats. They knew when you had bread for them!

Mini goats!

Abbey checking out the mini goat jail.

The HUGE dogs. We saw about four total, and all were very sweet.

A farm of minis, but also a huge aderondack!
