Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sponge Bob Popsicle

After two hours of jumping in ball pits and dancing (see new videos!), Abbey downed a Sponge Bob Squarepants popsicle in about four minutes.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

32.5 Weeks

For those of you that wanted a new belly shot.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Revisiting Old Friends, Part II

Lilly's room is all ready, and the last items I checked off my "To-Do" list were to raise the crib and put the bumper and mobile back on. Abbey immediately wanted to play with the mobile, and it seemed she definitely recognized her old friends, the Koalas and Kangaroos. She still climbs into the crib daily, which might become a problem once her little sister is inside...

At the Pool

Thank you Tam for the cute suit! I can't believe she fit into a 3T!

Work of Art

I was making banana bread the other day, wondering why Abbey was playing so quietly in the sunroom. Figuring it would be prudent to check on her, I discovered her, crayon in hand, creating a work of art between the windows next to the table she is supposed to color on. I yelled, "Abbey! NO!" which was all it took to start the water works. I felt badly since I could tell she was super proud of her work, so I told her we'd take a picture before cleaning it up. We also took a little video. I tried to get a picture of her cleaning it off with a towel, but it was too distracting- but she did help!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Watching Sesame Street

Typically, Abbey sits on my lap when we watch Sesame Street. On this night, she preferred a more comfortable lounge.

Hanging with Frankie

Lounging with Frankie the other afternoon.

Out Shopping

Abbey loves to carry purses and purchases, as seen in the two photos from our shopping trip today!
