Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spokane Jan 2010

At my dad's house with Daddy.

With Great Aunt Pam.

With second cousin Isadora.

Lounging with Grandpa John.

Grandpa John made Abbey a very nice toddler bed, which we decided within minutes that we are going to ship to ATL. Abbey slept well in it...3 out of 4 times anyways :)

Out at Liberty Lake at Grandma Elsa's house.

Abbey got to get up close to a very nice horse, Sienna.

Taking a cold walk with Grandma Glynis.

Playing with the cousins!

And what would be a trip to Spokane without the cousin photo shoot?

I also uploaded 4 new videos to the youtube site!

Bathtime Hair

Friday, January 8, 2010

Real Snow!

We woke up to snow this morning! Abbey, reluctantly, got somewhat bundled up for a trip outside, although the next two pictures were taken after a failed attempt to get to the grocery store (the road was blocked by some cars) so I hadn't put her second coat on yet!

Sleepy Head

Abbey had a very busy morning, and she was still sleeping hard when I went in to wake her up 3 hours later.

At the Mall...

She stopped and admired the purses at Coach for awhile. The only store she stopped at!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Swing Set

Abbey loves her new swing set! Also enjoy two new videos on youtube, Playing with Blocks and The Orange Cat.
