Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tormenting Frankie

Abbey REALLY needs to learn to let Frankie be. Ever since I showed her how to get Frankie to chase the pinwheel, she uses it to hit Frankie. Of course, we had to get one video and some shots before the,"No! Abbey!" begins (go to the youtube channel since it is a longer video). We're working on it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Creepy Crawlies

There is an abundance of spiders in Georgia, which makes life outdoors a little unbearable for the skittish. This past summer, I have kept tabs on the spiders around the house, knowing that there are only two poisonous varieties here: the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. Luckily, there have been zero sightings of those, but we do have a few very large and pretty spiders called the St. Andrew's Cross. Three of them have taken up residence on the back side of the house, two male and one female.

One of our males. When they are not moving, which is most of the time, these spiders get their name from the position they sit on their web and the actual "cross" they seem to form.

This female is at least 2 times the size of the males and her abdomen is about an inch by itself.

I typically don't kill bugs unless they're out to get me, so I have left these arachnids alone since Abbey doesn't like to play, or even walk, in the back yard yet. However, I noticed a large egg sack and decided I didn't want to let an already larger-than-wanted colony to grow. So, I waited until my friend Tracy could come over and hold Abbey while I tried to get the egg sack off the house and throw it into the bushes. Apparently, Abbey thought the focused/petrified look on my face was hilarious, and when she started laughing I couldn't help but take a video since I had the camera already in my back pocket from taking a few photos.

Friday, September 4, 2009

3rd Aquarium Visit!

The Atlanta Aquarium really is a good time, even the third time around. Our (ok, my) favorite exhibits are the otters, and this time around I also took two videos of the river otter feeding time. Abbey had a great time watching the kids and, sometimes, looking at the creatures. There are 4 videos uploaded to http://www.youtube.com/user/devongay, but below is my favorite, where it actually looks like Abbey is resting her hand on the scuba diver's tush.

Baby in the Basket, Part 2

This time around, it was all Abbey getting herself in and out of the laundry basket. I will have to take a video next time since the pictures were too blurry from all the action!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Prettiest Girl at the Salon

Abbey had her hair cut again today for our trip home. It's amazing how much it had grown! More pics to come after her nap since she fell asleep on the way home ;)
