Saturday, June 20, 2009


Abbey's new trick is that she finally does her own arms when we play,"How big is Abbey...SO BIG!" She likes to do it a lot, and here she had decided to do it mid-lunch (there is also a video of this! Go to our you tube channel

Little Mushroom Cap

So glad we got Abbey's haircut. She really looks so cute and her hair looks so much fuller than it did. Peter's been calling her "Little Mushroom Cap" since although it is supposed to be cut like a bob, she does look like she has a little mushroom cap on the top of her head.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Play Time

Sunscreen Incident

When I applied her sunscreen this last Sunday, Abbey ended up hitting my hand, causing all the sunscreen to drop into her left eye. Our pictures from the pool that afternoon show how traumatic it was for her peepers...I think it was more traumatic for me though! We flushed her eyes right after it happened, it just took her afternoon nap to get them bright and white again!
