Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Wrap Up

Just some pics of Abbey at the end of May, and also a couple of her wanting to go out to see her Dad who is grilling. Too cute!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grandma Glynis

We had a great time with Grandma! Abbey's favorite was letting us take turns "chasing" her through the house; while one of us led her by the hands the other scampered up behind her. We also enjoyed time at the Georgia Aquarium (see picture of Abbey in front of the otter's home) and our pool. Can't wait until July to see her again!

Pete's Birthday Dinner

Just a couple pics of the birthday boy, his girl, and the fish that the Buker's cooked up for us. Yum! Also pics of the "Big Gay Birthday Cake" :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just some cute pony tail pics...

Such a cute hair day!


The weekend of Peter's birthday was also our friend's Nick and Jen's wedding in Savannah, GA. We decided to go for a long weekend, and began our stay at the "Giles Bed and Breakfast", which is really the home of Jodi and Kenny Giles. Jodi is the daughter of my G'ma Shirley's brother, which makes us second cousins. We stayed and enjoyed a great dinner and then Abbey, Jodi and I went to the beach the next morning while Peter got to golf with the wedding party. I think Abbey liked the beach wind, but not the waves. She definitely preferred the pool at the hotel, as I am happy to report that she enjoyed being in the water for about an hour, then she had a nap poolside, followed by another 30 minutes of pool time. Yay for the water baby!
As for the wedding weekend, it was great to finally get to meet the extended family of Jen and Tracy. Abbey got to make it to the wedding, but Peter and I enjoyed two nights in a row of a babysitter that looked after Abbey in our room.
Some extra misc. info...SHE"S CRAWLING! I haven't been able to get a good video, she knows the camera all too well, but I'll post the one I have on her channel.
