Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Peter and I hosted our first official out of town visitor, Abbey's Uncle Nate, during his spring break from his first year of UW Medical School. It was great having him here during what turned out to be a week of fun, relaxation, and sunny Atlanta weather. Highlights included a trip to downtown ATL to the aquarium (I forgot the camera, and Abbey LOVED looking at all the fish and sea creatures!!!) and the boys also had a full day of kayaking down "The 'Hooch".

Right as Nate left, we immediately had our second official out of town visitor, my friend Robin. The weather wasn't cooperative during her trip, but we still had fun hanging out and getting to spend quality time together, which included a great dinner at Craft while Abbey stayed home with the babysitter.

Biscuit Time!

Abbey has really enjoyed getting her hands on different foods lately, including oranges, watermelon, yogurt discs, and cheerios. One favorite is the teething biscuit...although I only give her one on the nights she's due for a bath. I'm sure you can see why!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our little Supermodel!

Just some shots of the girls' photoshoot when we were home in Spokane. Abbey was just a little sweetie the whole time. She definitely knows what a camera is and usually is ready for her close-up at all times! She definitely hammed for the camera with little prodding!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spokane was fun!

Abbey and Avery having fun at the beginning of our trip to Spokane. Avery even started crawling when we celebrated Jim's 59th birthday!!

It really was great to have everyone see Abbey in such a fun and lovable stage in her life. She is just so happy all of the time, and other than a minor meltdown the first evening we were in town due to the long travel day and time change, she was a joy and loved seeing her family!
