Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just a few more days!

I am excited to be flying to Spokane at the end of the week, can't wait to see everybody! In the meantime, Abbey has helped me get ahead with the laundry... :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Such a big six-monther!

Abbey has really been growing like a weed and mastering her milestones. She has taken to solids quite well, and actually squeals in delight when I feed her peaches. She started sitting unassisted in mid January and also "grew" her first tooth in the beginning of February. The best, though, is that she plays with me and is quick to laugh at funny faces, peekaboo and repetitive or rhyming words. She was 19 lbs, 7 oz and 28.5 inches at her checkup on the 4th.

Her favorite toy right now is her jumper, and Peter and I have dubbed it the Best Purchase of 2009 (I bought it in early January, when I realized she was always happy when she was standing while I held her hands...then I thought, "Gee, if only she could hold herself standing...").
